Mobile Phones


Mobile Phones

A cell phone, mobile phone or cell phone, sometimes shortened to just cell, phone or hand phone, can make and receive phone calls on a radio frequency signal while the user is in a phone service zone. Cell phones are increasingly becoming common all over the world. Some countries, such as China, have banned them, but there are still hundreds of countries where they are widely used. They are convenient, cost effective, and easy to use. They can also be taken anywhere.

Smartphones are another example of a mobile phone. Unlike a cellular phone which has limited call and messaging capacity, smart phones have both digital and analog voice capabilities and can be used like a cellular phone. Smartphones are now the second most common electronic device used in the United States behind only personal computers.

A new class of devices called a smart phone is rapidly growing in use. These phones, which are generally smaller than a cellular or cordless telephone, have increased text messaging capacity, web browsing capabilities, Internet usage, video game functionality, and instant messaging capabilities. They can be used in a hands-free mode, by taking an interactive picture, and they come in a variety of price ranges. They can be purchased and used in the United States, in some states they are required to have a specific service contract. In Canada, they are considered an electronic device used for communication purposes and they are not allowed to have a SIM card inserted in them so need to have a wireless plan to use them.